
Contests are annual. You can see the winners and their prizes here >

 1. The best poem about manul.

To become a participant of any contest, you need to repost terms of competition on your social network page and not to delete them, send us your work and address of your social network page to our e-mail.


Criterias of winner`s selection:1. The best description of the life of the manul in it`s natural habitat.
2. The best description of the life of the manul at the  Zoo.
3. The best description of the habits and characteristics of the pallas cat and it`s differences from domestic cats.

Winners will be awarded prizes.

* You can see prizes fund on this site >


2. The best story on behalf of the manul.

The best works will be combined to a storybook, together with the best illustrations of the manul.

If you want to donate funds for publishing materials from this site, contact the project

Criterias of winner`s selection:

The most naturalistic description of the life of the manul in his natural habitat.
2. The best description of the need to maintain a population of manuls in the zoos.
3.The most interesting and fascinating story about the manul.

Winners will be awarded prizes.

* You can see prizes fund on this site >


3. Attention! We are looking for new Marshaks

Contest: the best poem on behalf of manul.

Let us recall how beautifully Samuel Marshak wrote on behalf of the wild dog Dingo.

Winners will be awarded prizes.

* You can see prizes fund on this site >


4.Contest of 10 reasons.

In pictures, poems or any free creative form you need to talk about why manul shouldn`t be kept at

The best works will be presented on this site.

Winners will be awarded prizes.

* You can see prizes fund on this site >

5. Cat manul through the eyes of children. 

We invite studios and schools to participate in a drawing competition approximately called: “hey, don`t stand too close! I`m manul, not just a pussy”.


Criterias of winner`s selection:

1. The most beautiful image of the manul cat un his natural habitat.
2. The best story or poem on the natural habitat of the cat manul, the most realistic descriptions of
the characteristics of the animal, it`s character, it`s differences from domestic cats.


Important! The size of the texts in this competition should be no more then 1-2 pages of text.


Other participation in the project